Interesting Tips for BDSM Beginners in 2021
It is a popular belief that kink and BDSM are sorts of deviant activities preferred by those with a messed up mind. It’s not true at all. BDSM and kink are practiced by almost everyone, irrespective of the background. Also, these play a significant role in the fantasy world of most women. There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferring kinky adult play. Also, it does not mean that there is anything wrong with the person. In the end, it simply means that someone prefers the kinky way; that’s it. The world of BDSM is vast, so couples must have explicit conversations to clear things at both ends.
Given below are a few tips for those who want to explore BDSM:
- Pulling The Hair :
For beginners, this can be regarded as a BDSM 1.0 level act. When passion is at its peak, most people reach for the hair. It happens automatically. For those who are new to it, it is a good way to start getting kinky. The best thing about hair pulling is, it’s as easy as anything, and you don’t need anything extra like BDSM toys or anything. Depending on need or preference, it could either be done gently or roughly done. Just make sure that there is enough conversation before doing it. It will be of no use at all if you simply jump over your partner and start pulling the hair. Be sure that both of you are on the same page before you get into the act.
2. Spanking :
It is a common fantasy among both boys and girls. A good idea is to start on a light note. Depending on how enjoyable it feels, things can always be ramped up. The best approach is to start with the hands and gradually go for toys as you and the other person become more experienced. To make it more exciting, count the number of blows. After all, it is not just pain; it’s about power too. Always keep in mind that spanking does not necessarily have to be on the butt. Many prefer to be spanked all over the genitals. Some people prefer brass stud spanks. Since spanking involves the movement of muscles along with the fat layer close to the genitals, it may increase sexual pleasure for those who may not have anticipated it before starting the activity.
3. Language :
Beginners can consider using aggressive language during the act. A few words that can turn the partner on are — jerk, whore, slut, fuck, etc. However, things must be pre-negotiated. Just make sure that the turn-on for a person does not become a turn off for the other. In the case of language, things must be played slow instead of speeding things up.
4. Biting :
It is an excellent way for beginners to start experiencing BDSM. Biting leads to various levels of pain. Again, it does not cost anything or needs any gear. Just make sure you talk about it with your partner so that it’s clear how hard the bite might be. Try out these entry level BDSM acts and see what suits or does not suit. It will ensure that you proceed steadily while exploring kink. Have fun, pay attention to safety and keep communicating.
Also read, Beginner Guide To BDSM Guide